[Tb] Cloning a "mature" file

From: Scott Price <sprice>
Date: Sun Oct 23 2005 - 14:27:34 EDT

At 11:37 PM -0400 10/22/05, Lee Phillips wrote:
> > I haven't been able to drag User Attributes from the old file to the
>> new. What's the trick?
>I don't even understand what that's supposed to mean.

Starting in Tinderbox 2.5.0 you may drag-and-drop key attributes.
You can add attributes to the key attributes by dragging them from
the Attributes palette into a note's text window, and you can
rearrange key attributes by dragging them up and down the attribute

However, I don't think that you can drag attributes from file to file
within Tinderbox, so I'm confused along with Mark Paul. I just tried
it and it didn't work.

My guess is that, since the instructions say to "edit the XML to
remove notes you don't need" and that is something that you would
have to do in a text editor rather than in Tinderbox, that the later
instruction to drag from the old file to the new file mean to drag
the user attributes from the *XML* of one file to the *XML* of the
new file. That does work.

Mind you, that's a finicky process-- there is a specific place in the
new file where user attribute definitions go, so you'd be safest if
you created your own easily-found user attribute in the new file,
then opened the file up in a text editor, found the user attribute
you just created, and copy/paste the XML in below it in the same

Does that make sense, Mark Paul? And does it work for you?

Received on Sun Oct 23 14:27:25 2005

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