[Tb] Tip: Inter-app drag 'n' drop

From: Charles Starrett <mac>
Date: Thu Aug 18 2005 - 23:38:46 EDT

Many of you may have already known about this, but it's news to me. From
a recent interview with John Gruber:

> "It?s not recent, but the most delightful surprise I can remember from
> the last few years is when I discovered that you can use Command-Tab
> switching when you?re in the middle of a drag. So you can start
> dragging something in one app, then use Command-Tab to switch to
> another app, and then complete the drop in the new app."


I drop stuff into TB all the time from Safari, and I have always had to
make sure that part of my TB window is peeking out behind my browser
window, or do other window gymnastics, but no more! This tip works great!!!

(I can't contain my exuberance!!! I'm dancing on the tables!!! Okay,
I'll be quiet now.)

Received on Thu Aug 18 23:38:39 2005

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