[Tb] Explorer and Text Windows

From: Mark Bernstein <bernstein>
Date: Tue Aug 16 2005 - 18:06:49 EDT

You can only have *one* text or Explorer window open on a note at a
time. (If you had several text windows open, we'd have to update all
of them on each keystroke....)

If you have a text window open on A TASK, and select the same note
in the Explorer view, then Tinderbox closes the text window.

If you have an Explorer view open on A TASK, and a text window open
on ANOTHER TASK, and navigate in the text window to A TASK, then
Tinderbox will close the Explorer.


Mark Bernstein             bernstein__AT__eastgate.com    (617) 924-9044
Eastgate Systems Inc       http://www.eastgate.com/  (800) 562-1638
134 Main Street            http://www.tekka.net/
Watertown MA 02472 USA     http://www.markbernstein.org/
Received on Tue Aug 16 13:57:26 2005

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