[Tb] date arithmetic in agent actions not working for me

From: Gary King <gwking>
Date: Mon Apr 11 2005 - 17:52:57 EDT

I am trying to add repeating tasks to a TB project management outline.
Here is what I tried:

1. Added the following attributes: completionDate (date), dueDate
(date), repeatIn (number), isCompleted (boolean).

2. Added a task prototype with the above attributes as Key Attributes

3. Defined some agents
a. Completed: this records completed tasks when you click the
isCompleted checkbo and sets the completion date to today.

        AgentQuery = isCompleted=true & Prototype=*task
        OnAdd = completionDate=today

b. Repeating: this is supposed to reset repeating completed tasks and
set the dueDate to a time repeatIn days in the future.

        AgentQuery = (Prototype=*task) & (isCompleted=true) & (repeatIn > 0)
        OnAdd = dueDate=today+repeatIn
        AgentAction = isCompleted=false

4. Created some sample tasks and played with it...

The Completed agent works fine. The Repeating agent correctly deals
with resetting the isCompleted flag (though it takes three agent
updates for this to happen which makes it a bit weird when you're
watching... <smile>). There are two problems:

1. The dueDate attribute never gets set properly. I've seen it set to
everything from today to years in the past (it makes a difference
whether you use dueDate = today + repeatIn or dueDate = repeatIn +
today). For some reason, the date arithmetic that works in the user
interface does not seem to work in agents.

2. The note itself is not updated until you close and reopen it. I.e.,
even though the isCompleted flag is reset to false, the note still
shows it being true.

It would be cool if this could work...

Gary Warren King
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