[Tb] Textile for HTML export

From: Charles Starrett <mac__AT__cstarrett.com>
Date: Tue Oct 12 2004 - 16:41:04 EDT

I've been playing with the same idea, but with=20
Markdown and Smartypants. I managed to cobble=20
together an AppleScript that will drill down=20
through my TB-generated website hierarchy and=20
pipe any file that ends in ".html" through=20
Markdown.pl and Smartypants.pl. The current=20
problem I have is that Markdown wont touch=20
anything inside an HTML block. In my case, since=20
I have everything in tables, that has neutralized=20
Markdown for me until I rework my TB export=20
templates. I don't know if Textile has similar=20
behavior, but it's one "gotcha" you might want to=20
look out for.

I'm happy to email the script to anyone who would like it.


### At 3:49 PM -0400 10/12/04, Scott Piccotti wrote:
>I've been tinkering with the idea of using=20
>Textile to process my HTML. There are two=20
>reasons I've been thinking about it. 1) I hate=20
>typing HTML into my notes and 2) lovely=20
>typography after cleanup. Has anyone tried this?=20
>Had any luck?
> I planned on trying to pipe the exported HTML=20
>through either Red Cloth or pyTextile, but=20
>figured I'd ask to see if anyone had any=20
>experiences for the rest of us to learn from=20
>(nice way to pronounce "lazyweb").
> -Scott
> http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/
> http://hobix.com/textile/
>Red Cloth:
>Tb mailing list

"A true gentleman is one who knows how to play the bagpipes...
=2E..but doesn't."=A0=A0- R. Acket
"Gentlemen shmentlemen." - C. Starrett
<URL: http://www.charlesstarrett.com/ >
Received on Tue Oct 12 20:41:04 2004

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