[Tb] Ease of use

From: Oliver Wrede <Wrede__AT__fh-aachen.de>
Date: Wed Mar 31 2004 - 13:51:21 EST

Am 31.03.2004 um 09:21 schrieb Jeremy Cherfas:

> I'm not sure. Maybe it has something to do with Markup. It just works
> for me.

It does not seem to be related to the HTMLMarkupText value. I tested
both settings - the only difference was that when it was switched off
the paragraph tags weren't added.

I can't find anything in the docs or the release notes about this. The
Wiki has just one page
(http://www.eastgate.com/wiki/wiki.cgi?MakingLists) that does not seem
to explain.

I just saw a note from Mark Bernstein on that page:

        We found automatic list discovery causes more problems than it solves,

Does it mean that automatic list discovery has been disabled in a
recent Tinderbox release?

Anyway, since the auto-discovery does not seem to work for me, the best
way I could come up with was to put lists into seperate notes and use
HTML attributes to add the list HTML tags.

Received on Wed Mar 31 13:51:21 2004

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