[Tb] How to import stuff into TB?

From: Oliver Wrede <Wrede__AT__fh-aachen.de>
Date: Fri Mar 26 2004 - 04:38:00 EST

Hi Marc,

I looked at your tool, but I don't understand how to utilize it.

Can you give an practical example? Let's say - for example - I have an
RSS-file that I need to import into notes (+attributes) at a certain
place in my Tinderbox document.

Oliver Wrede

Am 24.03.2004 um 00:16 schrieb Marc-Antoine Parent:

>> I have a big set of information that I want to import into Tinderbox.
>> I can only find export-features. How do I get stuff in?
>> I am able to format the data I want to import into any string
>> sequence. I looked at the XML format of the original file, but its
>> structure is a mystery to me.
> What is the structure of your data? My XSLT tools can handle import.
> But it does require understanding the XML format. If your case is
> simple, I may be able to help.
> http://www.istop.com/~maparent/tinderbox/
> Marc-Antoine
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Prof. Oliver Wrede
e-Mail: wrede__AT__fh-aachen.de
Web: http://wrede.interfacedesign.org/

Aachen University of Applied Sciences
Department of Design
Boxgraben 100
54062 Aachen
Received on Fri Mar 26 04:38:00 2004

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