[Tb] Tip: Auto-entry of URLs

From: Charles Starrett <mac__AT__cstarrett.com>
Date: Wed Jun 16 2004 - 18:56:30 EDT

Thank you, Lee! I'll spend some time reading through those notes.

Question for all: what is the best way to
determine the container of a selected note in the
"find" results list? I can do it, but usually
through cumbersome steps; I haven't been able to
determine a simple technique. (For instance, I
found the note which talks about this feature in
the release notes, but it took me far too long to
find which release this feature was part of.)

### At 6:01 PM -0400 6/16/04, Lee Phillips wrote:
>Yes, I use this all the time. I'm pretty sure it's mentioned
>in the release notes. (They are a TB document that comes with
>the download and are an essential supplement to the users' guide.)
>Tb mailing list

"A true gentleman is one who knows how to play the bagpipes...
...but doesn't."??- R. Acket
"Gentlemen shmentlemen." - C. Starrett
<URL: http://www.charlesstarrett.com/ >
Received on Wed Jun 16 18:56:30 2004

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