[Tb] David Allen Getting Things Done

From: Guy Dickinson <guy__AT__virgin.net>
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 16:35:10 EST

Hello all,

I'm intrigued by Tinderbox and in particular this life management system.
Everyone I've shown Tinderbox to is impressed, but I need the time to sit
down and learn - a novelty I'm looking forward to.

I learn best (particularly with software) by pulling apart something - I'm
sure others are the same. I've ploughed through
http://www.fridgedoor.net/prototyping/ before, and am fascinated by the
concepts and screengrabs.

I notice on the wiki that people asked the author for the actual template
files - he responded positively, but I can't find the files - probably down
to the author not being able to satisafactorily empty the personal content
from them first. Perhaps if we all 'vote' by responding to this, I'd be
happy to collate responses and contact the author, we can show how much he's
needed! ;-)

If I'm honest, I'd be willing to paypal a nominal amount to the author as a
gesture for templates and some accompanying notes etc. Would anyone else be
willing to 'reward' his hard work?


p.s. there is a simpler to-do list mentioned on the wiki here -
http://radio.weblogs.com/0100524/stories/2002/06/08/TinderDo.html this
seems clear and easy to setup - I'm going to replicate this as a start

> From: Stephen Chakwin <schakwin__AT__sbcglobal.net>
> Reply-To: Tinderbox on Macintosh <Tb__AT__lee-phillips.org>
> Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 21:30:45 -0500
> To: <Tb__AT__lee-phillips.org>
> Subject: [Tb] David Allen Getting Things Done
> One of the interesting things in the TB wiki was the outline of using TB as
> a tool to implement a David Allen "Getting Things Done" way of organizing
> your life.
> And yet, it also seems to me that TB ought to be able to support a system
> like David's and might be able to do it well and simply.
> So here's my question: can anyone take a look at the link I've included and
> see if it makes sense in terms of the system I've explained and, if so, pass
> an explanation along?
Received on Wed Jan 7 16:35:10 2004

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