[Tb] Scalability and Publishing Advice

From: Ted Goranson <tedg__AT__alum.mit.edu>
Date: Wed Dec 08 2004 - 23:00:42 EST

Lee Phillips wrote on 12/7/04:
>Right now my main file has 1489 notes, 37 agents, 449 aliases,
>923 links, 240153 words, and 25 attributes. The agent update
>time is reported to be 11666 ms.
>I am starting to experience the slowing down commonly reported by
>users with large Tinderboxes. My two machines, which perform similarly,
>are a 450 MHz G4 with 512 Mb and a 400 MHz G3 with 380 Mb: not really
>ideal hardware for Tinderbox.

Erg. I'm involved in the laborious process of importing legacy
information before starting the new stuff. It looks like my TB will
be an order of magnitude larger in all respects (except attributes).

I am full time now, building this document. Can I solicit help from
someone off-list concerning the creation of templates for web
publishing? The rough html layout I'd like is roughly like an outline
explorer view with the outline on the left and the selected (or
linked to) note on the right. The outline would be collapsible and
behave like a TB outline.

Maybe frames (erg!) is the way to go here. Would be nice if hovering
over an unexpanded header (TBspeak: "note tile") would give a popup
of the unexposed descendents.

If I can just get this far, I think I can muddle through issues
related to different prototypes and templates.

Best, Ted

Ted Goranson
Advanced Enterprise Research Office
Received on Thu Dec 9 04:00:42 2004

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