[Tb] Any way to get "\r" in a template?

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 15:53:16 EST

I posted this back in September:

 If an HTML template contains the string "\r" or "\n", this will be changed
 to a newline on export. I can discover no way to quote or escape this to get
 the literal "\r" in the output. What it the purpose of this? If I want a
 newline in the exported files, I can put the newline in the template.

I now have a more urgent reason to have a literal "\r" in an HTML
export template. Can anyone figure out how, because this odd feature
is still in the current version.
Received on Mon Dec 6 20:53:16 2004

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