[Tb] What can ^contains contain?

From: <tblist.5.haelo__AT__spamgourmet.com>
Date: Sat Dec 04 2004 - 18:25:32 EST

I am having trouble getting ^contains to work. Specifically, these do
not work, even though the condition should match:

^contains(^text^, "blah")^
^contains(^ancestors^, "blah")^
^contains(^directory^, "blah")^

I would like to get rid of all the expensive agents which are simply
adding a css flag to everything under certain trees. If I could just
detect which tree the file was in from within the template, there
would be no need for a flag. I guess an #descendedFrom() type template
call would be nice, too.

Also, does anyone know what is up with the Wiki? I cannot make any
edits on it, and it looks as if nothing has changed for a few days.

Received on Sat Dec 4 23:25:32 2004

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