[Tb] Weird bug when duplicating prototypes

From: Lee Phillips <lee__AT__lee-phillips.org>
Date: Tue Aug 10 2004 - 17:45:53 EDT

I have a bunch of notes with prototype A. I want to make a
different but similar prototype, called B, so I do an
Edit->Duplicate on A and rename the copy "B", then make a
few changes to B. I set a few notes to have prototype B. After
exporting my site, everything is wrong. All the notes that
had prototype A have been changed to have prototype B. What
a mess. Actually I went through this procedure with two prototypes,
and over 200 notes got messed up.

I could have fixed this with agents to reset the prototypes, but
I just reverted to one of the backups I make after every hour or
so of work: a self-defensive measure that I've learned to take the
hard way.

The bottom line for users, I guess, is a warning: do not duplicate
prototypes; make fresh ones.
Received on Tue Aug 10 21:45:53 2004

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