What is Subscription?

Using dedicated software, you can remain informed of news, log entries, changes to sites, and all kinds of information from numerous locations on the internet. If you would like to stay informed about changes and new material added to this website, use the address http://www.lee-phillips.org/updates.xml in your subscription software.

For MacOS X, there is a superb, free program for keeping track of your subscriptions, called NetNewsWire Lite: go to Ranchero to get it. There are also some recently developed (I'm adding this note on May 17, 2004) alternatives to NetNewsWire.

If you need a cross-platform system for reading subscriptions, look at AmphetaDesk; it works with your web browser and is written in Perl.

More details on the machinery behind subscriptions can be found in this article, and a decent popular introduction can be found here.

And why don't I use the standard XML logo?